Sychro Swim Management System

Project Introduction

The champion project in Algonquin College Applied Research Day
We won the ‘1st place winning project’ in Applied Research and Innovation Day by this project, which I was the lead designer and front-end developer in it.

  • Client: Nepean Synchro Club

  • Problems: The Nepean Synchronized Swim team competes with teams from all over Ontario as part of the Ontario Synchronized swimming association. At these competitions music is provided to a technician via phones and CDs. There is a lot of work required to manage all the different music to be played for the correct teams, in the correct divisions, and in the correct order.

  • Solution: Creat a responsive website for coaches to upload their music for their team in preparation for the competition, as well as a tablet application that will allow the technician to download the music and manage the schedule and sequences of music for the competition.

  • Challenges: Include the fact that the pools often have NO indoor connectivity. Security over the music uploads and copyright issues will also have to be considered.The tablet application will need to connect with a media device at the pool to play the music over the broadcast system in place.

Research Complex, massive relationship between users and main features

High-level Architecture

Web Application

Landing Page: Steps showing helps users understand how the web application runs

Login Page: Filled out basic information and login

Manage Users: Manage users from various clubs and teams using a simple tabular based layout.

Admin would be able to edit all users by clicking 'edit'

Allow adimn to see the user's details imformation by clicking one of them, and user only can see his own information

Opening the Add User Window via one '+' button in the left bottom conner, which is fast and easy.

Creat and invite coaches from local and outside organizations to upcoming events.

Edit any existing events by edit button

Edit any existing events by edit button

Customize an event information in Add Event Window

Allow coaches to upload and manage their songs for upcoming events

Upload a song by 'Edit' button

Tablet Application
